Staff Support
Staff members have gone through a lot of changes during the pandemic. School leaders will need to provide support to help their staff manage these changes effectively and meet their professional and social-emotional needs.
Key Recommendations
Identify staff that are high-risk for severe illness due to COVID-19. Additionally, create a process for staff to self-identify as high-risk and have a plan in place to address requests for alternative teaching environments or work reassignments if possible.
Offer, as feasible, options that limit exposure risk for high-risk staff.
Be aware that staff may need to stay home when they are sick, have been exposed to someone in quarantine, or are caring for someone who is sick.
Staff age 65 or older, or with serious underlying health conditions that put them at high risk of illness due to COVID-19, should be encouraged to talk to their health care providers to assess their risk and to determine if they should avoid in-person contact.
Ensure the district has data infrastructure and tools in place to support remote work for staff members
Develop a staff training schedule on COVID-19 protocols and select a method for training (e.g., in-person, livestream, recorded video, etc.).
Starting Point Tools
The following resources offer starting points for school administrators to support their staff and rethink work assignments. These comprise of national guidance, articles, documents, and more to provide actionable next steps.
(We will continue to update these as we continue to learn about additional tools)